The ever-exhuberant gang Annapurna South in view Macchupuchre peak at 6.30 am DAY 5 Weather: Sunny at first, and then it pours like nobody’s business. In the morning the sky was clear, and from the base camp I was able to see Annapurna 1, Annapurna 2, Annapurna South, Macchupuchre and Himchuli, all the peaks for the main mountains on this side of the Himalayan range. Annapurna is literally translated into ‘the shape of harvest’, which describes the shape of the mountain. Macchupuchre is literally translated to ‘fishtail’, which is what the peak looks like. But the day quickly turned sour as we made our way back where we came from. It started pouring rain again. Although this is one of the hottest month of the year here, it is also one of the wettest. As we hiked and approached Durali, the large waterfall ahead of us began having an avalanche. I had never seen an avalanche before in real life, and to be honest it was quite terrifying. The otherwise peaceful waterfall turned into a gush of large rocks and sediments, and with it the avalanche destroyed the bridge we were supposed to cross to get back. I felt a little panicky, and tried to remain calm as my anxiety began. Ok I don’t want to be one of those people in the news who died from a freak of nature. As a result, we had to put up a night in Deurali until the weather calms down and the villagers were able to rebuild the bridge. My waterproof shoes were soaking wet because the water level of the river we passed has raised, and it came right above my ankles, causing me to have to walk the rest of the way in squishy, soaking wet shoes in the cold and rain. It was awful. At night, there is never a lot to do at the guest houses. It’s cold so most people hang about in the common area, nursing hot drinks while chatting or playing card games. As for me, I quite enjoy the silent time to write. I underestimated: The severity of the avalanche I overestimated: My ability to walk across rivers without getting soaking wet. Tips: Have things to do at night time. A book, a journal, music, playing cards etc Rainy weather, sunny spirits Journalling every night before bed Around the base camp grounds
September 2024