July 20. It's the Sultan's Birthday. And mine! I didn't start off my day very well. I found out I was to go on a vessel for work, for 3 bloody weeks starting the 23rd July. I keep picturing myself getting off the boat after 3 weeks with a long unshaved beard and hairy chest (like how Tom Hanks looked like in 'Cast Away'. But I like that part where he got skinny, though). Plus I had an argument with a best friend so starting off a birthday with a sour face is not exactly great.
But at lunch break my friends threw me a surprise birthday party at Pizza Hut. Okay fine. Let's just cut the crap shall we? It wasn't really a 'surprise'. I mean, if your friends seem to eat lunch everyday at the foodcourt and today, they all seem to want to Pizza Hut, you've gotta be a bit of a Paris Hilton to not figure that out already right? But I was still touched. They were almost all there, the familiar faces, the ones I've always had fun with. And there was of course pizza and pasta and a birthday marshmallow cheesecake and gifts and cards. My housemate bought me Nine West purse and handbag. I loved them! And my best girlfriend bought me a book about Manhattan girls, which was because Manhattan was always part of our dream place to visit before we grow up and have kids and husbands. Balloons and cards too, I loved them all! Birthdays are great. Besides the fact that you're one step closer to reading that botox brochure, it's also like God's permission for you to officially start over. And you have birthday parties like these where you have really great friends and great food. Really, what more could a girl ask for? |
October 2020